09 December 2014

Self checking counting activity with crayon resist technique - Activités numériques autocorrectrices

Crayon resist technique is as old as I can remember, and it is always popular with my kids. It is also super fun to explore maths. This week, I prepared some counting sheets, for my daughter. Each one had a different quantity of dots. Using a white crayon, I wrote the number corresponding to the quantity of dots.

La technique du "crayon resist" est aussi vieille que je puisse m'en rappeler, et c'est très populaire dans notre maisonnée.

After counting the dots, my daughter had to watercolor in  the circle to check if what she counted matched the answer in the circle.

She was so excited the first time the answer mysteriously appeared before her eyes.

She loved it so much that I had to prepare a second set of activity sheets.